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First of all welcome to I would like to introduce to you and tell you what it is and what we can help you with. is a leading place for people living in Denmark to find tennants and buyers for rooms, apartments and houses for rent and sale.

We do this by giving you the opportunity to browse the classified ads already on this site and to create you own classified ad, where you can write about your own wishes for a new place to live.

Unfortunately we can help you with a place to live directly so you will have to contact landlords yourself - but don't worry - Most Danes speak Englsih fluently in various degrees.

For your convinience we have written a small guide which will tell you about things you should know when living in Denmark. If you have any questions that are not in this guide, please feel free to contact us and we will see if we can answer your question for you.

You can also find help understanding a standard Danish tenancy agreement.

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